Sunday, March 8, 2009

But I Digress...

My name is Scott Aaron Stine, and I am addicted to run-on sentences.

The persistent use and abuse of run-on sentences in my work has always been one of my greatest failings as a wordsmith, which has been emphatically pointed out to me by several astute advisors over the previous weeks; for whatever reason, I have always been reticent about employing periods, so have instead learned how to capitalize on the liberal use of commas, colons, semi-colons, hyphens and parenthesis that the English language has unwarily placed at my disposal (as well as a sheer abundance of colorful adjectives and obsolete expressions) in order to keep my dictated stream of consciousness flowing, unobstructed by those pesky little harbingers of doom, those typographical singularities, whilst adhering to (at least to the best of my modest ability) the venerated rules of grammar so that the only grievance readers have with my penchant for excessive verbosity is the lengthy, protracted nature of the syntax itself... a constructive criticism and sound argument which I acknowledge and duly accept with few or no reservations on my behalf.

Shoot… I forgot to squeeze a colon in there somewhere. Just give me a minute…

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